
picking via pick-by-light
The term pick-by-light is the name for a paperless method of picking . The picker is shown how many items need to be picked at the item's storage location via a display on the corresponding picking compartment.
definition and technique
The pick-by-light process is a paperless picking process in which the picker is shown how many items he has to pick via a display attached to the compartment.
The display, which is attached to the removal compartment, consists of a so-called eye-catching light and an acknowledgement button. The eye-catching light shows how many items are to be removed from the respective compartment. The picker can then use the acknowledgement button to confirm the removal of the products. This means that the inventory change can be transmitted to the respective warehouse management system in real time.
There are different systems, each of which has certain extra functions - for example the following:
- Alphanumeric display or numeric display; the picker can use this to read the quantity of items removed
- Correction keys, in the form of + or -, with which missing items can be corrected immediately or which can also be used for inventory work
- Other special functions
The pick-by-light process is also known by the following synonyms:
- Pick-to-Light
- Pick-2-Light (P2L)
By the way: The term Put-to-Light refers to the reverse process!
The pick-by-light process offers the following advantages:
The pick-by-light process has the following disadvantages or potential problems.
- An undetected failure of a display results in errors during picking; however, modern systems now detect such failures automatically
- When setting up and commissioning this process, a large amount of money must be invested in installation work and, over time, in maintenance work
- The procedure limits the number of orders per zone at the same time; only one order can be processed per zone, unless different colors are used - one color per order and picker