Paperless picking

Paperless picking with smart glasses
Paperless picking is a type of picking that completely avoids the use of paper - such as picking slips - and works with other picking methods.
The importance of paperless picking:
Paperless picking completely dispenses with any kind of paper: picking list, picking list . It reduces the amount of paper and thus prevents slips of paper from being lost, overlooked or incorrectly filed. Paperless picking is intended to simplify warehouse work and implements this with alternative picking techniques, such as the use of an electronic shelf display.
Paperless picking: possibilities
There are several options for paperless picking. The most important ones are:
- Mobile data capture (order picking via MDE): Also known as pick by scan, this method works with a mobile data capture device, a barcode scanner. This displays the relevant information.
- Pick-by-Voice (voice picking): The necessary information is passed on to the picker via voice command. The technical equipment includes a headset and a data device. Both hands are free and feedback, such as inventory improvements or similar, can be passed on to the system via microphone.
- Pick-by-Vision (order picking using data glasses): This method uses augmented reality technology - data glasses that transmit the necessary information via a visual display.
- Pick-by-Light (picking via light signal): Visual indicators such as lights and displays are used to show the pickers the correct goods.
The use of the respective picking techniques depends on the requirements and circumstances of the company.
Advantages of paperless picking
- By using alternative picking techniques, cost savings can be achieved through lower personnel costs and reduced time expenditure.
- Company performance can be increased by simplifying warehouse operations.
- Work can be carried out more efficiently.
- A connection to the SAP system is possible, which allows processes to be automated.
- All goods movements and material flows can be documented.
- The error rate can be reduced if the alternative methods are used conscientiously.
Disadvantages of paperless picking
Not all methods are suitable for every business, so the choice may be limited. In addition, depending on the method chosen, high acquisition and maintenance costs may be incurred.