carousel rack
The term carousel describes dynamic shelving systems, also known as continuous, circular or circulating conveyors, in which the storage locations are brought to the service station for storage and retrieval by a cyclical circulation. The storage capacity can be expanded horizontally or vertically.
Useful information bundled compactly
- Carousel racks work according to the goods-to-person method
- Carousel racks are designed as shelving units or for the insertion of small parts containers
- Motor-driven shelving systems must be equipped with safety devices, such as light barriers or release switches
- The stored goods and storage rack are moved together
- Multiple transfer points can be set up at different levels
- The carousel rack is used for storage in industry or in shipping warehouses for order picking
- The carousel is often used to store files or documents in administrations
carousel storage and paternoster racks
Carousel storage : With carousel racks, the storage rack is moved horizontally until the storage location to be served is at the service station. They can reach a length of up to 50 m.
Paternoster rack : With paternoster racks, the storage rack is moved vertically until the storage location to be served is at the service station.
advantages and disadvantages
Carousel warehouses have the advantage that they enable high storage density even with a small footprint by making optimal use of the room height. The order picking performance depends on the access technology and the height of the building. In order to achieve high performance, the access sequence must be optimally coordinated with the storage location sequence. If this is the case, reversing trips can be avoided - another advantage.
- Storage of extremely heavy, large and long goods possible
- Quick access to the required storage goods
- High level of security
- Ergonomic working methods for employees
- Time savings through automation
The disadvantage of carousel racks is that employees are dependent on the circulation and therefore do not have access to the desired product at all times. This can lead to unnecessary waiting times and the workflow can be stopped.
warehouse management
The circulation system enables warehouse management according to the FIFO principle (First-In-First-Out). This means that no outdated backlogs remain in the warehouse. In return, the LIFO principle (Last-In-First-Out) can also be applied.