handling system

Industrial robot handling sheet metal at a press
In the field of automation technology and drive technology, this term refers to a device that is used to manage the flow of material from or to an active point. It also stands for a sub-operation of the material flow and assembly.
The term handling refers to the creation, defined modification or temporary maintenance of a given spatial arrangement of geometrically determined bodies without changing anything about them themselves - VDI guideline 2860 .
The spatial arrangement of a body in a reference coordinate system results from its six degrees of freedom with respect to movement.
- Three translational degrees of freedom for the position
- Three rotational degrees of freedom for orientation
In addition to the term handling system, there are other terms that are used synonymously. For example:
English names are
A distinction is made between stationary and mobile handling.
In stationary handling, the handling device is usually equipped with a column. This means that the working radius is rather small. In mobile handling, the handling device is suspended in a rail system. This requires infrastructure - for example a steel structure. The working radius is very large.
The handling is divided into five subfunctions
Backup | Move | Change | Save | Control |
A handling system can take on several of these sub-functions, but the main function is crucial for its intended use. The respective system is also named according to the main function.
handling equipment and handling devices
Handling devices move a body into a specific position. Handling devices are used for the exact positioning of workpieces and tools. This relieves workers of physically demanding tasks.
Below is a rough list of the various handling devices and their possible sub-functions.
- Grippers, clamps, jaw chucks (for fixing workpieces in lathes), clamping plates - securing
- Industrial robots, sliders, troughs, deflection devices, loading portals, turning and organizing devices - moving
- Separators, switches, distributors - quantity changes
- Belts, pallets, bunkers, magazines - storage
- Sensors, Test & Measuring Equipment - Control
With manipulators, the movement sequence is controlled manually. Teleoperators, on the other hand, are remote-controlled manipulators and protect people from dangerous or impossible contact with the respective objects (nuclear technology, sewerage). Balancers enable the lifting of heavy loads and modular systems enable gripping, rotating and moving via limit switches or programs.
advantages and disadvantages
- People can intervene directly if problems arise and can carry out tasks more quickly in some areas. In addition, the effort involved in handling equipment is relatively high.
- If an employee is absent due to illness, the machine also stops. In addition, the speed of the machines depends on the speed of the workers.